301 W Main Street
Durham, NC 27701
To build financial capability of local communities
For program and operating support
For general support
Continuing support; Program development For Environmental Stewardship Initiative
General/operating support For general charitable purpose
General/operating support; Program development For program and operating support
Continuing support; Program development For Environmental Stewardship Initiative
Program development To expand ability of Self-Help Federal Credit Union to provide affordable and responsible financial services to lower income people in California
Program development To create refinance mortgage products to assist homeowners in Chicago at risk of losing their homes to foreclosure
Program development For Environmental Stewardship Initiative
Program development; Program-related investments/loans To expand ability of Self-Help Federal Credit Union to provide affordable and responsible financial services to lower-income people in California
Program development To support increased personal business and home loans to low-to-moderate income members
For loans in North Carolina to around 75 women who are heads of households with dependents, to enable them to become successful home owners.
Program development For effort to stabilize housing market in Peachtree Hills neighborhood
Program development; Program-related investments/loans; Loans/promissory notes Loan to support creation of new lease-purchase mortgage product as part of Foreclosure Prevention and Mitigation Project
Continuing support; Program development; Technical assistance To provide technical assistance for Family Economic Success (FES) sites
General/operating support For general support
Continuing support; Program development; Technical assistance To provide technical assistance for Family Economic Success (FES) sites
Program development For Surdna Family Child Care Initiative (FCCI)
General/operating support For general operating support
Program development For Surdna Family Child Care Initiative effort to address and solve problems in field of family child care
Program-related investments/loans; Loans/promissory notes Senior loan to finance small business and community facility loans to low-wealth communities in North Carolina