BIG SOLAR III: PAC Funnels Cronies’ Money to Candidates
In two previous articles (Part I, Part II), we examined how Republican political consultants in North Carolina have pushed the agenda of Big Solar – the solar power companies and their millionaire owners — in order to protect renewable power source mandates, thus driving up electricity bills and hampering the economy.In part one of this...
SPECIAL REPORT, PART II: Are Solar Lobbyists Trying to Hide Their Money Trail?
By Francis De Luca and Susan Myrick In part one of this series we reported on right-of-center political consultants who have created an innovative business model advising a growing number of Republican legislators to turn their backs on conservative, free-market principles to take up the cause of more government mandates, political favoritism and higher electric...
SPECIAL REPORT: ‘Conservatives’ Pushing Big Solar Funded by the Left
By Francis De Luca and Susan Myrick What do President Barack Obama and a growing number of Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly have in common? The answer – their love of major solar energy companies – Big Solar, for short. As for the President – everyone remembers Solyndra. Before going bankrupt in 2011,...