Takiyah Thompson

Takiyah Thompson was the protester that climbed a metal ladder to place a strap around the statue for others to pull down.  She was arrested among chants of “Cops and Klan go Hand in Hand.” She is a member of the Workers World Party.

The Daily Caller Described the group this way: “a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist group originally formed in 1959 as a hard-line offshoot of the more moderate Socialist Workers Party. In addition to supporting a wide range of far-left causes, the group also defends the North Korean regime of dictator Kim Jong-un against alleged U.S. imperialism.”

Thompson was also quoted as saying: “If we understand history, we know that those boys who wore the gray, today they wear blue, and they wear sheets over their heads,” she said, referring to Ku Klux Klan garb.
